Friday, August 1, 2008

How Convenient


Flying Solo said...

Poor puppy, he didnt go along time ago!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Poor Puppy, he's been holding it for so long. Once he saw the Porta Pottie he was totally relieved, lol.

Small City Scenes said...

Smart puppy, he knows just the right place to go. MB

Oman said...

aww. adorable puppy. definitely a postcard moment.

it warmed me-up in this rainy day. have a nice day townboy.

Anonymous said...


Raquel Sabino Pereira said...

Is the dog actually pissing on a metal thing? LOOOOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!

(please visit http:// and watch the video «The Italian who went to Malta» - And PEACE ON YOU, MATE) - LOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL

Ben Nakagawa said...

he he he he, heee, heee.
You are killing me here. LOL.

Carletta said...

This is CUTE!

Anonymous said...

Too funny!