Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Sea Serpent

This post is dedicated to Mary Beth, a/k/a MB, who, as the Serpent said, never misses a thing, and whose blogs, sense of humor, and hilarious comments all conspire to make my day!! Thank you, MB!


Carletta said...

That's the cutest attraction!

I've invested in lots of Legos in my time.

Small City Scenes said...

Ah shucks, George, I am blushing.
Thank you and now I am at a loss for words. MB

Lego Dragon is now famous and on page one. MB

Flying Solo said...

Fantastic post.
Such big snake! Did you noticed the lego girl and the dog MB?

Small City Scenes said...

Yes I did---how could I say I didn't after all that. Peek through the garbage can to see the dog. Anyway yes, but I didn't want to call attention to the obvious. MB

Hello Piggy said...

is quite cute tho ;)

Janice Thomson said...

What a neat attraction for the kids - of all ages :)
Excellent shots George!